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Light Education Training works with businesses to harness an understanding of neuroscience to reduce reactions and stress in the workplace.


Using our Stop Connect Respond (SCR) framework staff wellbeing can be greatly enhanced.

Are legacy education experiences affecting your companies effectiveness? Our initial experiences of education may well have been a long time ago but they can affect our working life today. The negative legacies of not feeling good enough, competition, judgement, shame, or of feeling stupid can literally live on, and trigger our reactions wherever we are and in whatever vocation we are employed.

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Light Education Training offers the opportunity to rewire our brain and body to no longer run unconscious negative patterns through thoughts and behaviours. Otherwise, you might just continue to be at the mercy of your inner 7-year-old self!

Through SCR, an evidence-based programme that shares what happens in your mind and body when you are learning, you will re-learn how to have a healthy, productive response that allows you to express your full potential in all areas of your life.

Most adults are not fully aware of just how much our internal alarm system impacts the ability to think clearly and to learn; few have the skill-sets to quickly and efficiently activate the calm system. However, these skills are vital for growth, cooperation, and expansion.

Stop Connect Respond (SCR)

How it works

SCR is a simple yet powerful methodology that when understood by your team can support with reducing stress, overwhelm and reactions in the workplace.


Our half day program can greatly increase the productivity and wellbeing of employees who apply the SCR principles in practical application.

SCR is for responsive workplaces

Who's it for?

Any company that wants to:

  • support their staff to know how to deal productively with new situations;

  • encourage the development of new ways to deal with recurring issues, where blame and frustration typically come up;

  • help staff to lean into uncomfortable feelings and situations with an openness and willingness to learn.

Client Feedback

Our workshops have been running for six years within public and corporate sectors. Here is some of our client feedback:

"I have collated the feedback from the team via an anonymous online survey. They all said how much they enjoyed the day and how interesting your session was, saying it would be beneficial for all staff at all levels to do."


Kerry Moores | Investec London UK

"I enjoyed learning about how to identify triggers and natural responses to new information, and how to use different practices to reduce stress."

"There was a good level of science and facts, coupled by useful tips about how to cope at work 'healthily' with not understanding."

"It was a good length of time. I really enjoyed the opportunity for discussion! Recommend for all staff."

We can halt unhelpful, “shut-down” thinking and behaviours with some simple education.


Addressing the shame-based experiences common to many when they are faced with new information or challenges, we offer participants the opportunity to make the shift towards being responsive, curious, and open-hearted learners.

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What's involved?


SCR is a half day course, 10am - 3pm

Available in person or as an online workshop.

It works for large or small groups.


Participation is required in partner work, role play that’s fun and engaging and then some group sharing. If this is difficult for some staff, it’s not expected or enforced, but we do encourage movement into the uncomfortable feelings.

Follow up Zoom meetings

We can also create Zoom groups as a follow up and to deepen of the development of staff with these techniques.

1:1 Coaching

1:1 coaching is also available for more substantive work and highly recommended so staff can learn together in a very supportive environment.

Training Outcomes

Staff will have a thorough understanding of what happens to the body and brain when we feel stressed when confronted with not understanding new information or new experiences. They will be able to identify their own unhealthy patterns of reaction and with experience of how to support and activate their calm system, through gentle breathing exercises and practicing how to express the internal process to self and to others for support instead of going into shame.  Staff will know how to reduce anxious feelings related to stress and overwhelm.

Business Meeting

5 Steps

Area One

We will look at the context of how we were educated and the impact of that on our current relationship with learning new things. We will explore what we find easy and what’s more tricky to do in life, along with our unique qualities and innate genius.

Area Two & Three

Here we do a tour of the brain, focusing on the three main parts related to learning and understanding life. We will focus on the alarm system, fight/flight/freeze and the prefrontal cortex. Understanding how this stress response system works can help us in new situations when it works against us, when we feel threatened and move into unconscious behaviours to protect ourselves from feelings of shame. We will then look at the neuronal pathways, and the fascinating and extraordinary process of wiring up, including how we can support this to occur through a healthy relationship to the process of learning.

Area Four & Five

Next, we will look at our patterns when confronted with not understanding something, and how we can activate new ways of responding. Throughout, we will be practicing a gentle breathing technique so we have a lived and known experience of body awareness to use ongoing to support regulation and reconnection to feelings of ease and settlement in the body.


Get in touch

To learn more about how Stop Connect Respond program can support your business get in touch with Vanessa McHardy of Light Education Training.


About Vanessa


Vanessa McHardy brings her extensive experience as a psychotherapist and group facilitator to deliver paradigm-shifting science-based programs that change lives, schools and workplaces.


To learn more about our programs for schools, families and corporate get in touch

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© Copyright Vanessa McHardy 2022 unless otherwise stated

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